Perancangan Pabrik Acrylonitrile Kapasita 80.000

Preliminary design of Acrylonitrile with capacity 80,000 ton/year is plant
to be built in Cilacap Central Java, in the area of land 4,150 m2. This chemical plant
will be operated for 330 day/year or 24 hours a day with 139 employees.
Raw material neededs is Propylene 58,199.1263 ton/hour, Ammonia
27,076.2454 ton/hour. The production process will be operated at temperature
442°C, at pressure about of 2 atm using Fluidized Bed Reactor with convesion
98.89% . The utiliy consist of 2,037,335.3526 kg/hour of cooling water, 61,126.0605
kg/hour of processing water, 1,027.94 kg/hour of housing water, 43,064.6733
kg/hour of steam, 11,548.71 m³/hour of fuel while the power of electricity of about
408.0259 kwh provided by PLN. This chemical plant also use generator set as
An economic analysis shows thats this chemical plant need to be covered by
fixed capital of about Rp.663,067,703,410.27, working capital of about
Rp.15,073,014,670.65. The profit before tax is Rp.91,165,614,992.31 while the profit
after tax is Rp.45,582,807,496.15. Percentage of return on investemen (ROI) before
tax is 31% while after tax is 154%. Pay out time (POT) after tax is 2.6 years while
after tax is 4.5 years. The value of break evek point (BEP) for about 47.03% and shut
down point (SDP) of about 12.36%. Based on the economic analysis, It is concluded
that plant design of Acrylonitrile with capacity 80,000 ton/years visible to be built.