Lowongan Kerja Indonesian Tower
1 minute read
Brief Company Profile :
Indonesian Tower is a fast growing company and owns a very bright future. We have strong fundamental business in supporting Indonesian Telecommunication Industry. Our core business focuses in investment & operating the cellular telecommunication infrastructure. To achieve our goal we embrace the spirit for excellence through our professionalism, excellent service, qualified and competent personnel.
Indonesian Tower is a fast growing company and owns a very bright future. We have strong fundamental business in supporting Indonesian Telecommunication Industry. Our core business focuses in investment & operating the cellular telecommunication infrastructure. To achieve our goal we embrace the spirit for excellence through our professionalism, excellent service, qualified and competent personnel.
Web Site : http://www.indonesiantower.com
Persyaratan :
SMK Jurusan Listrik atau Elektro (Nilai rata-rata STTB : 6 ke atas)
Usia 18 – 25 tahun
Belum Menikah
Tidak cacat fisik
Tidak memakai kacamata
Tinggi min 165 cm (berat badan proporsional)
Tidak takut ketinggian
Lulus Psikotes & Tes Kesehatan
Bersedia menjalani seleksi Pendidikan Kedisiplinan & Pendidikan Teknis
Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas selama 1 tahun
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
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