Lowongan Kerja Terbaru IOM
0 minute read
IOM is looking for a Sub Office Administration Focal Point according to the terms of reference
below. Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their application to
hrbandaaceh@iom.int no later than 22 May 2008 indicating the reference code below. All
candidates are kindly requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please
note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Informasi Lewat Email Kamu Setiap Hari Lowongan Kerja CPNS, BUMN, BANK
below. Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their application to
hrbandaaceh@iom.int no later than 22 May 2008 indicating the reference code below. All
candidates are kindly requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please
note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Informasi Lewat Email Kamu Setiap Hari Lowongan Kerja CPNS, BUMN, BANK