Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Samudera Indonesia

PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk was established in 1964. The core business of the Company is to provide comprehensive range of integrated cargo transportation and logistics services. With its fully integrated and diverse transportation services, the Company is capable of meeting the needs of both domestic and international customers for a door to door or one stop service. Since 1999, the Company has been publicly listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange.

The Company currently offers a comprehensive range of transportation services including regional container shipping services, tanker services, offshore services, land transportation services for heavy equipment and containers, storage and maintenance of containers, warehousing, and forwarding services. The Company also acts as an agent for various global shipping companies, including Hapag-Lloyd AG, United Arab Shipping Company (UASC), Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK)-Hinode, and Korean Marine Transport Company (KMTC).


With all this services provided by the Company and also high demand of logistics service, currently the Company is determined to develop logistics business through synergizing its existing services and optimizing its network.

The Greatest asset in Samudera Indonesia is our people. Employees are the driving forces behind the company’s success. They help to create the company’s competitive advantage in the market place.

For that purpose we provide a program to obtain an enthusiasm, self motivated and highly commitment of Employees. Samudera Indonesia Management Development Program is one of the programs to develop Employees through a fast career track with combining theoretical and practical training in management.

If you are looking for a challenging career with lots of opportunity for growth and excitement, we invite you to join us for the following position :

There are two ways to apply our vacancies.


1. You can register your personal email to get “Experd Account” in our website http://jobs.experd.com
2. Please complete the registration form and submit your email account.
3. We will send you the information about username, password to your personal email.
4. To activate your “Experd Account”, please confirm our email by clicking the confirmation link that we’ve sent to your personal email.
5. After you activate your “Experd Account”, you can create your curriculum vitae step by step or download our CV template. (Don’t forget to write down your details : personal data, education, and your experience)
6. For applying the vacancies, please choose the vacancy that you are interested to apply, and then click “Quick Apply”
7. Your data will be saved in our database and we will process it immediately. If there is any progress, we will inform you by phone or email.
8. Visit our website regularly to get our update vacancies.


1. Visit website http://jobs.experd.com/samuderaindonesia, get the information about PT Samudera indonesia and the vacancies.
2. For applying, choose the vacancy that you are interested to.
3. Clik Button “Quick Apply” and your data will be saved in our database. We will inform you the recruitment progress (if there’s any progress)
4. If you haven’t had “Experd Account” yet, you have to register to be our member first.
5. Please register to our website http://jobs.experd.com/
6. Visit our website regularly to get our update vacancies.

If you need more information about PT Samudera Indonesia or the vacancies, don’t hesitate to contact us by email or Hotline Service 021-93068536 (Monday - Friday at 09.00 am - 05.00 pm)

Informasi Lewat Email Kamu Setiap Hari Lowongan Kerja CPNS, BUMN, BANK