Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2008 ChevronThe Future of Opportunities

ChevronThe Future of Opportunities

Who is Chevron?

Headquartered in San Ramon - California USA and conducting business in 180 countries, Chevron is engaged in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry, including exploration and production; refining, marketing and transportation; chemicals manufacturing and sales; and power generation.

In Indonesia, Chevron is working in partnership with BPMIGAS (Executive Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities) for oil and gas business and Pertamina for geothermal business. It has long been recognized as a significant oil and gas producer and geothermal and power provider.

To sustain profitable growth and build the organizational capability, Chevron in Indonesia is now searching for recent graduates and 4+ years related experienced Indonesian nationals who possess relevant educational background, technical, and behavior competencies to join the company in a number of opportunities.


S1 and Above

(ES-EXP/ES) Earth Scientist (Geophysics or Geology background)

(PE-EXP/PE) Petroleum Engineer (Petroleum Engineering background)

(DC-EXP/CE) Completion Engineer (Petroleum, Mechanical, and Chemical Engineering background)

(FE-EXP/FE) Facilities Engineer (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Civil or Instrument & Control background)

(OPS-EXP/MP) Maintenance Planner (Mechanical Eng. background)

(OPS-EXP/SIC) Supervisor Inspection & Certification (All Engineering background)

(OPS-EXP/FIS) QA Facility Inspection Specialist (All Engineering background)

(IT-EXP/BCP) IT Business Continuity & Planning Coordinator (Engineering or Information Management background)

(HES-EXP/SE) Safety Engineer (All Engineering background)

(HES-EXP/ENV) Environmental Engineer (All Engineering background)

(HES-EXP/ESO) Sr. Environmental Safety Officer/ESO (Mechanical, Electrical, K3/Process Safety Design background)

(HES-EXP/IH) Industrial Hygienist (K3/Occupotional Health & Safety)

(SCM-EXP/PRO) Group Leader Procurement Operations (All background)

(SCM-EXP/FM) Group Leader Facility Management (All background)

(SCM-EXP/WH) Group Leader Warehouse (All background)


(Ops-EXP/SO) Senior Operator/Operator (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation


(Ops-EXP/TE) Senior Technician/Technician (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation background)

(Ops-ExP/PDM) Predictive Maintenance Technician/Analyst (Mechanical Engineering background)

(OPS-EXP/MAC) Senior Machinist (Industrial Mechanical)

(DC-EXP/TA) Drilling Technical Assistant (Computer, Mechanical, Mining, Petroleum, Chemical, or Electrical Engineering background)

(ES-EXP/TA) Geoscience Technical Assistant (Computer, Mechanical, Mining, Petroleum, Chemical, or Electrical Engineering background)

(PE-EXP/TA) Reservoir Tech. Assistant (Computer, Mechanical, Mining, Petroleum, Chemical, or Electrical Engineering background)

(LAB-EXP/LA) Laboratory Analyst (Geology Engineering background)

Experienced General Qualification:

• Strong & Related 4 years experienced.
• Good command of English.
• Willing to relocate to Chevron Operations (Sumatera/ East Kalimantan/Salak/Darajat)

Recent Graduate:


(FDT-FG/SMO) Field Development Training-Sumatera Operation

This training apprenticeship program is designed to equip trainees with related knowledge and skills needed to perform jobs in oil & gas field operations through classroom training and on-the-job assignment.

FDT General Qualification:

• Diploma Degree/D3 (SMU/S1 will not be considered).
• Major: Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical (Electronic, Instrumentation; power), or Instrumentation.
• GPA minimum: 2.75
• Years of graduation: 2005 - August 2008
• Good command of English
• Willing to relocate to Chevron Operations

For detail qualification please see http://chevron.experd.com

How to apply:

Step 1:
Register to: http://chevron.experd.com/

Step 2:
Complete the registration form, and activate your account after received an activation email.

Step 3:
Login using your account and apply to one position which fit the most with your qualifications before August 4, 2008

Selection Test:
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process.

Aptitude test for recent graduated will be conducted at Sumatra and Java.

For more opportunity please see : http://chevron.experd.com